A Different Perspective on Employee Well-Being for Fulfilment of Organisational and Individual Needs

We help organisations Achieve improved Productivity, superior product and service Quality, as well as higher Profits by improving employee Well-Being through our Workplace Health Management services.

Why Focus on Employee Well-Being

A stethoscope lying on top of several Euro notes

For every €1 spent on employee well-being and stress prevention a net economic benefit of over €13 can be achieved over a 12 month period. Source

An unused office workstation

About 20% of staff turnover can be directly related to stress at work and another 45% of staff turnover is related to working conditions known to cause stress such as workload, lack of support and working hours. Source

A woman multitasking while copying papers

Work-place stress is estimated to cost organisations about €1’400 per employee in lost productivity per year due to employees being absent or working when unwell. Source and Source

 A woman staring into space, supporting her chin in her hand

Employees who suffer depression as a result of excessive work-related stress, are estimated to cost their organisation more than €4’950 per person every year. Source

What We Do

Workplace Health Management

We help you safeguard the quality of your organisation's products and services by strengthening your employees’ mental and physical health. By tailored interventions that promote employee health and incorporate your organisation’s culture and strategic goals the long-term performance and capacity of your employees is secured.

Starting with an in-depth analysis of your organisation we assess stress levels within teams, providing valuable insights into their overall well-being and health risk factors. We use scientifically validated tools to categorises teams as low risk, fragile, challenged, or high risk, offering an extensive picture of your organisation's internal human resource challenges.

In collaboration with  your teams and departments that are at risk, comprehensive interventions are developed that promote well-being in the entire organisation. Experience heightened efficiency, productivity, and quality as the strategic countermeasures are implemented. Our unwavering support ensures a seamless transition, guiding you towards a culture of well-being, increased organisational productivity and success.

Diversity and Inclusion

We offer talks and workshops that provide valuable insights into working with disabilities and invisible illnesses. Offering both employers and employees perspectives, we promote a diverse and inclusive environment rooted in mutual understanding.

By cultivating an organisational culture and structure that embrace employees with disabilities and invisible illnesses, you enhance workforce sustainability and stimulate the creation of products and services that cater to more diverse customer needs.

Our impactful talks champion diversity and inclusion while being aligned with your organisation's strategic objectives and cultural ethos. Through our workshop sessions your managers are empowered to develop policies and procedures that are goal oriented, forward-thinking and inclusive. Through collaboration, we aid your organisation in crafting policies that foster teamwork and innovation, are inclusive, and enhance employee well-being.

Diversity and Inclusion lie at the heart of our activities. We are dedicated to helping your organisation foster an inclusive workplace that embraces diversity in tangible actions. By leveraging our guidance, you'll witness a seamless integration of disability-friendly practices that drive organisational success. 

Workforce Sustainability

As Europe discuss and implement increased retirement ages in many countries, the imperative to cultivate a sustainable workforce has never been more crucial. While your organisation embrace this challenge, dedicating itself to ensuring the well-being, motivation, and continued competence of your employees, we stand by you.

Drawing upon evidence-based research, we collaborate with you to develop sustainable strategies that are not only consistent, equitable, and inclusive, but also future-oriented, aligning seamlessly with your organisational goals.

Leveraging our expertise in employee well-being, diversity, and inclusion, we inject fresh frames of references into your strategies, enriching them with new perspectives. By prioritising longevity in the workplace, we fortify your workforce, paving the way for sustained excellence.

Together, let's pioneer an era of workforce sustainability, where employees thrive, contribute, and evolve throughout their careers and beyond. Our commitment is to empower your organisation with the tools to nurture enduring success while championing the well-being of those who drive it forward.

Our Clients*

Reviews are written by our clients and therefore published in their original language, so as to not risk distorting the words of our clients.

"I attended a training provided by Eva Gannert from PRO Services which gave me an excellent, easy to use, and comprehensive tool for understanding and effectively managing stress in my teams. The hands-on exercises quickly taught me how to effectively use the tool; the comprehensive, detailed handout that Eva prepared allows me to refresh my knowledge on demand and is as powerful as a course book - but even easier to use. I can’t imagine working without tools and knowledge that Eva shared and I’m confident about the hugely positive (both short- and long-term) value for me and my teams. Time well invested."

Karol Stosiek

Engineering Manager at Google Switzerland GmbH

*To preserve the confidentiality of our clients has the highest priority at PRO Services, so reviews are only published on the initiative of the customers.

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Our Founder

Photo by Carmen Sirboiu @ carmen.photo

Eva Gannert

Eva Gannert is a knowledgeable Occupational Health Management Consultant with several years experience advising organisations in three key areas: Corporate-level Stress Management; Diversity & Inclusion  with a focus on Chronic and Invisible Illnesses as well as Disabilities; and Sustainable Workforce Management. 

Eva holds a Certificate of Advanced Studies in Occupational Health Management from Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts and is currently studying to become an Occupational Health Management Strategist (a Master's degree rewarded by Karolinska Institutet in Sweden). She also has degrees in Mathematics and Scientific Computing/Computational Science from Stockholm University, Sweden, specialising in biomathematics. Her diverse background includes roles as a teacher and university lecturer, Project Manager and Data Analyst for significant scientific studies, such as the renowned Swedish Twin Study and the Irish research project "Growing Up in Ireland."

Her professional journey includes a personal experience with burnout early in her career. After her recovery, she embarked on a path that led her to take on other challenging positions in high-pressure environments. This unique journey, coupled with her unwavering dedication to facilitating others, forms the foundation for her consultancy, PRO Services. Eva's objective is to provide organisations with a different perspective on employee well-being for the fulfilment of both organisational and individual needs.

European Network for Workplace Health Promotion


Eva Gannert is a member of European Network for Workplace Health Promotion (ENWHP).

ENWHP is committed to developing and promoting good workplace health practice that promotes sustainable economic and social development in Europe.

Healthy workplaces promote both microeconomic performance (productivity and innovation) and macroeconomic performance (efficiency of the health care, welfare and education sectors as well as competitiveness of businesses at company, national and European level).  It impacts the quality of working life as well as non-working life and contributes to social cohesion. 

Healthy workplaces are created and best upheld through the general management cycle and combine individual and organisation health with physical, mental, environmental, social and economic health at all levels in the organisation.

All members of the ENWHP endorse the Luxembourg Declaration on on Workplace Health Promotion in the European Union.